"Granted, some sincerely wish for more power in order to do good, but only a few individuals are good enough to be powerful."
-Neal A. Maxwell
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
How to fufill God's commandments; part 3, Russia
From free appliances to summer camps that encourage procreation, the Russian government is pulling out all the stops to get its citizens pregnant.
The final week of November was a bad week to find yourself accidentally pregnant in Novorossiysk. From the 24th to the 28th, the Russian port city on the Black Sea held an official “Week Without Abortions.” During those days, doctors in Novorossiysk were not allowed to terminate pregnancies except in “the most extreme cases.” City universities screened films showing the detrimental effects of abortions. Psychologists and gynecologists prepared pregnant women for motherhood. “Doctors will do everything they can to stop women from doing the irreparable,” a city administration representative told RussiaToday.com.
It was the latest effort in a series of initiatives to stop the freefall of Russia’s population. With a density of nine persons per 22 square miles, it’s the most sparsely populated country in the world. Demographers believe Russia’s population of 144 million will decline to 115 million by 2050, and one expert said it could fall as low as 77 million. Part of the problem is low life expectancy—most Russian men won’t live to see 60, due mainly to factors like alcohol, drugs, suicide and a reluctance to buckle up. But the other half of the equation is Russia’s plummeting birth rate, which in the past two decades has fallen from an average of two children per woman to barely more than one.
“We must, at least, stimulate the birth of a second child,” former President Vladimir Putin said two years ago in a national address. They weren’t idle words—in recent years, Russia has embarked on a multi-pronged campaign to get its citizens to start procreating.
In addition to initiatives like the one in Novorossiysk, Putin offered 250,000 rubles, or about $9,200, to women who have a second child.
And Camp Nashi, a youth movement run by the Kremlin, encourages young people to pair up in red heart-shaped tents for two weeks along the Seliger River, 200 miles outside of Moscow. At the conclusion of the two-week session, mass wedding ceremonies are held. “Most people who married at Seliger were very young,” says Maria Drokova, the leader of Camp Nashi since its formation in 2005. In the last three years couples have averaged 20, 22 and 24 years old.
“Two years ago, a couple got married, and last year they came with their new baby boy named after Vasile Sturza, a former leader of the Nashi movement appointed by Putin,” Drokova said. Upon the couple’s return, the camp held a celebration of the birth.
Camp Nashi is free, subsidized by the government, and provides the campers with all they need for their two week stay—though not condoms, according to camper Irina Maziezi.
Maziezi, 21, has attended Camp Nashi three years in a row, and says the mass marriages that take place at the camp are beautiful and legally binding. “Girls are in white dresses, music plays, they dance the waltz,” she says.
Other incentives to procreate include an official Day of Conception declared by Ulyanovsk Governor Sergei Morozov on September 12, 2007. Couples were given time off from work for the day to have sex, and mothers who gave birth exactly nine months later on June 12, 2008, Russia’s National Day, were awarded cars, cash, kitchen appliances and other prizes.
Putin also announced an increase in childcare to support young mothers, part of his ten-year national program designed to encourage women to have more children. And 2008 was declared the “Year of Family” by the government, accompanied by new restrictions on advertisements for abortion clinics in the media.
Is it working?
Last year, Mikhail Zurabov, the Russian Minister for Health and Social Security, had good news at the opening of the World Social Security Forum in Moscow: the population of Russia, he said, had increased by 6% since 1996. Most of the increase was due to a recent rise in life expectancy, but UN statistics show that Russian birth rates have been inching upward as well since their historic low in 1996, from about eight births per 1,000 people to just over ten.
But it’s been pointed out that this uptick is probably only an echo of a small baby boom in the 1980s, and may not sustain itself.
“To increase the production of children, we would need to be assured that Russia is on the right track to prosperity,” wrote Russian author Viktor Erofeyev in a New York Times op-ed last year. “Do what you will, you can't order people to make babies.”
Michelle Vyadro
The final week of November was a bad week to find yourself accidentally pregnant in Novorossiysk. From the 24th to the 28th, the Russian port city on the Black Sea held an official “Week Without Abortions.” During those days, doctors in Novorossiysk were not allowed to terminate pregnancies except in “the most extreme cases.” City universities screened films showing the detrimental effects of abortions. Psychologists and gynecologists prepared pregnant women for motherhood. “Doctors will do everything they can to stop women from doing the irreparable,” a city administration representative told RussiaToday.com.
It was the latest effort in a series of initiatives to stop the freefall of Russia’s population. With a density of nine persons per 22 square miles, it’s the most sparsely populated country in the world. Demographers believe Russia’s population of 144 million will decline to 115 million by 2050, and one expert said it could fall as low as 77 million. Part of the problem is low life expectancy—most Russian men won’t live to see 60, due mainly to factors like alcohol, drugs, suicide and a reluctance to buckle up. But the other half of the equation is Russia’s plummeting birth rate, which in the past two decades has fallen from an average of two children per woman to barely more than one.
“We must, at least, stimulate the birth of a second child,” former President Vladimir Putin said two years ago in a national address. They weren’t idle words—in recent years, Russia has embarked on a multi-pronged campaign to get its citizens to start procreating.
In addition to initiatives like the one in Novorossiysk, Putin offered 250,000 rubles, or about $9,200, to women who have a second child.
And Camp Nashi, a youth movement run by the Kremlin, encourages young people to pair up in red heart-shaped tents for two weeks along the Seliger River, 200 miles outside of Moscow. At the conclusion of the two-week session, mass wedding ceremonies are held. “Most people who married at Seliger were very young,” says Maria Drokova, the leader of Camp Nashi since its formation in 2005. In the last three years couples have averaged 20, 22 and 24 years old.
“Two years ago, a couple got married, and last year they came with their new baby boy named after Vasile Sturza, a former leader of the Nashi movement appointed by Putin,” Drokova said. Upon the couple’s return, the camp held a celebration of the birth.
Camp Nashi is free, subsidized by the government, and provides the campers with all they need for their two week stay—though not condoms, according to camper Irina Maziezi.
Maziezi, 21, has attended Camp Nashi three years in a row, and says the mass marriages that take place at the camp are beautiful and legally binding. “Girls are in white dresses, music plays, they dance the waltz,” she says.
Other incentives to procreate include an official Day of Conception declared by Ulyanovsk Governor Sergei Morozov on September 12, 2007. Couples were given time off from work for the day to have sex, and mothers who gave birth exactly nine months later on June 12, 2008, Russia’s National Day, were awarded cars, cash, kitchen appliances and other prizes.
Putin also announced an increase in childcare to support young mothers, part of his ten-year national program designed to encourage women to have more children. And 2008 was declared the “Year of Family” by the government, accompanied by new restrictions on advertisements for abortion clinics in the media.
Is it working?
Last year, Mikhail Zurabov, the Russian Minister for Health and Social Security, had good news at the opening of the World Social Security Forum in Moscow: the population of Russia, he said, had increased by 6% since 1996. Most of the increase was due to a recent rise in life expectancy, but UN statistics show that Russian birth rates have been inching upward as well since their historic low in 1996, from about eight births per 1,000 people to just over ten.
But it’s been pointed out that this uptick is probably only an echo of a small baby boom in the 1980s, and may not sustain itself.
“To increase the production of children, we would need to be assured that Russia is on the right track to prosperity,” wrote Russian author Viktor Erofeyev in a New York Times op-ed last year. “Do what you will, you can't order people to make babies.”
Michelle Vyadro
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
"Chris Buttars Saves Christmas" Coming soon to theaters
Sen. Chris Buttars wants Utah's Legislature to declare its opposition to the "war on Christmas."
The West Jordan Republican is sponsoring a resolution encouraging retailers to embrace Christmas in their promotions rather than the generic "holidays."
"It would encourage the use of 'Merry Christmas,'" Buttars said of the non-binding statement that is still being drafted. "I'm sick of the Christmas wars -- we're a Christian nation and ought to use the word."
Several fellow lawmakers he wouldn't yet name support his effort, added Buttars, who has a long history of championing the socially conservative agenda of the Utah Eagle Forum.
In 2005, right-wing pundit Bill O'Reilly took on the same fight, characterizing the so-called war on Christmas as part of a secular progressive agenda that would open the door to legalized drugs, abortion-on-demand and same-sex marriage.
One advertising executive thinks the Buttars message crosses the line.
"I'm kind of flabbergasted that there is even such a proposal," said Dave Newbold, president of Salt Lake City-based Richter7 Advertising and Public Relations.
"We may be primarily Christian but that doesn't mean that you force your language or beliefs on anybody," Newbold added. "We live in a multicultural area and it's right and proper to be sensitive to the various cultures."
Implementing such a resolution would be challenging, said Jim Olsen, president of the 350-member Utah Retail Merchants Association.
"A number of our members are national in nature and their ads, signage and promotions are done at a national level," Olsen said. "Any time we have states encouraging us to deviate from those national programs, it begins to cause problems."
Lawmakers were hesitant to weigh in on a measure they had not seen.
"I think Christmas is a wonderful holiday," said Sen. Curt Bramble, R-Provo. "Am I supporting the legislative action? I'll have to read it first."
While Bramble believes that America is grounded in Judeo-Christian beliefs, part of that thinking involves tolerance of other faiths, he said.
"I don't find it offensive when someone says 'Happy Holidays,' " Bramble added. "What is offensive is if we're embarrassed to say 'Merry Christmas.' "
Rep. David Litvack, a Jewish Democrat who represents part of Salt Lake City, said he's fine with people wishing him a Merry Christmas. However, he wonders if constituents really want their representatives spending time on such matters.
"There are many more pressing issues that we've been elected to address," Litvack said. "We're a nation of many faiths and we as leaders should be finding ways to build common ground and respect, not entrenching one side over another."
The resolution could violate First Amendment rights depending on the motivation behind it, said Salt Lake City civil rights attorney Brian Barnard.
"What he's doing is kind of silly but it doesn't ring a bell as a violation of separation of church and state," Barnard said.
However, if Buttars bases the resolution on America being a Christian nation, that moves the measure over the line, Barnard said.
"Our country was not founded by a bunch of Christians," Barnard said. "They were people concerned about religious freedoms."
"If [Buttars] wants people to say 'Merry Christmas' because it's the Christian thing to do," Barnard added, "then it becomes a violation of First Amendment rights."
The West Jordan Republican is sponsoring a resolution encouraging retailers to embrace Christmas in their promotions rather than the generic "holidays."
"It would encourage the use of 'Merry Christmas,'" Buttars said of the non-binding statement that is still being drafted. "I'm sick of the Christmas wars -- we're a Christian nation and ought to use the word."
Several fellow lawmakers he wouldn't yet name support his effort, added Buttars, who has a long history of championing the socially conservative agenda of the Utah Eagle Forum.
In 2005, right-wing pundit Bill O'Reilly took on the same fight, characterizing the so-called war on Christmas as part of a secular progressive agenda that would open the door to legalized drugs, abortion-on-demand and same-sex marriage.
One advertising executive thinks the Buttars message crosses the line.
"I'm kind of flabbergasted that there is even such a proposal," said Dave Newbold, president of Salt Lake City-based Richter7 Advertising and Public Relations.
"We may be primarily Christian but that doesn't mean that you force your language or beliefs on anybody," Newbold added. "We live in a multicultural area and it's right and proper to be sensitive to the various cultures."
Implementing such a resolution would be challenging, said Jim Olsen, president of the 350-member Utah Retail Merchants Association.
"A number of our members are national in nature and their ads, signage and promotions are done at a national level," Olsen said. "Any time we have states encouraging us to deviate from those national programs, it begins to cause problems."
Lawmakers were hesitant to weigh in on a measure they had not seen.
"I think Christmas is a wonderful holiday," said Sen. Curt Bramble, R-Provo. "Am I supporting the legislative action? I'll have to read it first."
While Bramble believes that America is grounded in Judeo-Christian beliefs, part of that thinking involves tolerance of other faiths, he said.
"I don't find it offensive when someone says 'Happy Holidays,' " Bramble added. "What is offensive is if we're embarrassed to say 'Merry Christmas.' "
Rep. David Litvack, a Jewish Democrat who represents part of Salt Lake City, said he's fine with people wishing him a Merry Christmas. However, he wonders if constituents really want their representatives spending time on such matters.
"There are many more pressing issues that we've been elected to address," Litvack said. "We're a nation of many faiths and we as leaders should be finding ways to build common ground and respect, not entrenching one side over another."
The resolution could violate First Amendment rights depending on the motivation behind it, said Salt Lake City civil rights attorney Brian Barnard.
"What he's doing is kind of silly but it doesn't ring a bell as a violation of separation of church and state," Barnard said.
However, if Buttars bases the resolution on America being a Christian nation, that moves the measure over the line, Barnard said.
"Our country was not founded by a bunch of Christians," Barnard said. "They were people concerned about religious freedoms."
"If [Buttars] wants people to say 'Merry Christmas' because it's the Christian thing to do," Barnard added, "then it becomes a violation of First Amendment rights."
Monday, December 1, 2008
Quote for the day
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss
-Dr. Seuss
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